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Tips For Wearing Glasses And Ear Protection At The Same Time

How to buy earplugs for glasses

There is always a difficult for people that wear eyeglasses to find suitable ear protection that could favor them. It is recommendable to have the best and more comfortable design with features people wearing glasses can use.

They design some ear muffs to be used in high noise environments, usually dominated by high-frequency sounds.

Earmuffs come in a lightweight design that helps in terms of comfort, and if you are lucky to get one with a technology double cup design, it will help minimize the resonance effect. This results in excellent attenuation of high-frequency sounds.

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In A Hurry?
If you require the best hearing protection and do not want to read the entire article, below are my recommended products.

If You Wear Glasses, These Are Features to Check Out Before You Buy Ear Protection

Fittings or Size

The pair of these earmuffs comes in different sizes or fittings suitable for anyone as they cover your ears to your comfort and create a warm, quiet, and comfortable ambiance that keeps you away from the noisy and busy settings around you. Wearing ear muffs that are not your size could bring about frustration because they might not meet your expectations.

If they are too big to fit on your ears, they will keep falling forward or backward. This kind won't provide the ear protection you need but cause unnecessary movements towards your glasses or spectacles.

The earmuffs come with a lightweight design that creates comfort as you wear them; however, you might not feel that sense of comfort with the wrong sizes. So, before you purchase a pair, make it a must to get your perfect size.

Attenuation Levels

Attenuation can refer to the reduction of sound waves that carry high frequencies. The attenuation level is sometimes referred to as the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), determined by a principle that states, "The higher the rating, the more the ear coverage."

These earmuffs come in different versions that carry the same attenuation levels with a maximum frequency of 40dB at 8000Hz. This is the predicted figure for noise level reduction and Single Number Rating (SRN) of 35dB.


These earmuffs are one of the most popular and highly considered ear protectors. Their quality towards reducing noise attenuations and design is quite favorable to anyone, especially those who wear glasses.

Ear protectors come in affordable pricing for anyone who needs the high-end technology that reduces high-frequency levels of any workspace such as airports, printing, power stations, and mining, among others.

Noises When You Have Glasses

The following infographic shows a list of the various noises when you are out and about. Any noise over 70-80db over a long period of time may cause damage to your hearing. A noise of over 120dB may cuase immediate harm to your ears

Correct Earmuff Style

If you wear glasses, select a cap-mounted ear muff. Ensure that the earmuffs you choose have universal slots that can be used combined with the size of your aspects.

You can also wear neckband earmuffs around the back of the neck so that users can wear them with glasses on, full-brim hard hats, or hats without attachment slots.

Ear muffs Vs. The Use of Electronic Devices

You know of scenarios where you want a little privacy, but everything seems to be loud, and a pair of earphones is all you have or any other electronic devices that can help curb the surrounding noise, and they probably do not do what you want. These electronic devices favor people wearing glasses.

However, their quality results are shaky and unsatisfactory, unlike the earmuffs with some unique features that offer the best products. The earmuffs have an inbuilt technology known as a double cup design that minimizes or reduces attenuation levels made by high-frequency sounds in noisy places.

Additional Features

The earmuffs have some other unique features that make them outstanding and worth owning, providing comfort, and offering the best ear protection results towards high sound frequencies. Consider these features too;

  • Double casing technology that helps to minimize resonance effect.

  • Earmuffs have a stylish cup design

  • They are good speech intelligibility

  • Earmuffs have a unique low-profile headband design that maintains the constant pressure, hence providing confidence in protection.

  • They have soft wide cushions that reduce stress around the ears, thus improving the comfort and wear ability

  • They also have large space inside their cups that also reduce heat buildup and moisture.

  • Earmuffs have easy-to-understand attenuation symbols that ensure correct product selection.

  • They also have fluid and foam-filled sealing rings

  • They have a snug fit suitable for those that are spectacle wearers.

Bottom Line

Earmuffs reusable application with unique designs such as over the head and neck head that are standard and certified designed in plastic and stainless steel suitable to your preference and weighing 215 grams. They are favorable and the best ear protection for anyone that wears glasses.

Be sure you manage the risk accurately, keeping the task and the setting into consideration. Test the acceptable level of attenuation, the frequency, and the pitch of the noise threat. 

Don't over-protect yourself. Cutting out too much noise may cause insulation or lead to a loss of desire to wear protectors. Ensure that staff can detect warnings safely and that they can also connect easily. Ensure earplugs are secure and safe for the operating environment.

Know that everybody will find different things more or less relaxed than the next person. Evaluate how fast and hygienic the protectors are when worn like any other safety clothing and how the user's behavior can be afforded.

BHTOP Safety Glasses Protective Eye Wear L010 Clear Lens Anti-Fog Goggles Over-Spec Glasses in...
  • High-Quality: BHTOP high durable over-glasses and goggles are scratch resistant, high impact for indoor electrical, construction, landscaping, gardening, mowing, trimming, chain-sawing , drilling and other general purpose applications.
  • Light Design: Lightweight eye wear made with a polycarbonate lens and easily fit over prescription glasses. Flexible temple tips minimize pinching behind the head
  • Wide Field Vision:With the anti-fog goggles, you can have a clear field vision while working in extreme conditions because of the full panoramic clear frame and lens.
  • Meet Safety Standard: The safety glasses meet and exceed ANSI Z87.1 Standards for long-time protection for your eyes and your eyewear.
  • Package& Warranty: Packed in small box. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.When the goggles are dusty, there is no need to clean or wipe , just blow.

Last update on 2023-11-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Other Questions

How do you wear headphones comfortably with glasses?

Fortunately, you can consider some options to wear your headphones comfortably with glasses on. Just take care and you're ready to go;

  • One of them is to change the headphones so they reduce the pressure. If your new headphones' tightening intensity is too strong, expand it.
  • Second, wear smaller lens frames. The surface area pressing on the skin is lower if you wear lenses with narrow frames, which ensures that the pressure on the ear tissue and temporal bone is not very strong.
  • Place your headphones in a more pleasant position.
  • Slide the head and frames onto a piece of tissue.
  • Raise your glass temples.
  • Pick thicker ear foam headphones.
  • Get a headphone that fits with your glasses.

Are earplugs or earmuffs better for shooting?

Earplugs and earmuffs are of two various types. It is advisable to use both earplugs and earmuffs while shooting. In reality, it may be a surprise to know that earplugs might have better protection than earmuffs since earplugs block the ear canal entirely. If you switch between the shooting range and your lobby, banded or corded earplugs are the most suitable. Multiple-use earplugs are more comfortable to use, so they don't have to roll in the ear.

How do you shoot when wearing glasses?

If you love shooting and you are wearing glasses, it is important to be relaxed while shooting, but posture and angle are also necessary. Usually, the front foot should point to where you're planning to shoot, while the other should be positioned in a way that offers equilibrium while shooting.

Being erratic will interrupt your alignment and thus reduce the precision of your aim. The selection of a cartridge is also essential, and it is subject to choice and desire. The most crucial thing is to be comfortable and sure of what you're aiming at since this is more likely to guarantee positive scores. The only thing that will show you which cartridge is the best fit is by testing them and how they're going out of the gun you're using.


If you require more information, please check these references

The Prescribing of Glasses as a Therapeutic Aid , article, "www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov", retrieved on, Tue 24-November-2020

Tips for Fitting Hearing Protectors , article, "www.protectear.com", retrieved on, Tue 24-November-2020

Ear protectors: Their usefulness and limitations , article, "www.tandfonline.com", retrieved on, Tue 24-November-2020


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Nick Le Page

Experience : Hi, I am Nick, and I have suffered with ear problems my whole life, mainly tinnitus. I have tried a lot of products to help protect my ears over this period, and several devices to block out the constant ringing

“Are you having problems hearing? If so, those around you already know it. Hearing loss is no laughing matter, so don’t be a punchline.”

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