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Motorcycle Hearing Protection: Earplugs for Motorcyclists

Your ears need protection on a motorcycle!

Motorcycles can be dangerous, especially if you’re not properly protected. We all know that, but we’re not going to let you put your life at risk by putting your hearing at risk.

You need motorcycle earbuds to protect your hearing, and we’ve got some recommendations for the best ear plugs for motorcycle riders.

Keep reading to learn more about the best ways to protect your ears.

Wind Noises

Most motorcycles are not loud enough to damage your hearing. However, most of the noise and damage to your ears comes from wind noise when riding, and this can be far above safe levels for hearing.

Any damage to your hearing as you probably know is permanent, and irreversible. Each time your ears receive a tiny amount of damage, you will probably never notice the difference. However, as this accumulates over the years, it will become very noticeable.

You can easily stop your ears being damaged by using motorcycle earbuds to protect your ears. These are easy to use and inexpensive. Do not wait until you notice that you have lousy hearing before doing something about it! You need some motorcycle earbuds.

This article will tell you what to look for in motorcycle earplugs and recommend the best ear plugs for motorcycle riders

tinnitus is a permanent ringing 

"Motorcyclists who ride at high speed without earplugs are risking Noise-Induced Hearing Loss “

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), can happen when you are exposed to extended and recurring sounds above 80d. If this keeps happening, it could lead to tinnitus, which is a permanent ringing in the ears.

The amount of noise that can damage your hearing is low to some people, after 80 dB, in a work environment, some form of ear protection should be worn. This means that in your personal life, also wear some ear protection when you are exposed to sounds above this level. When riding your Motorbike, you will almost always be exposed to noise levels above this volume.

The infographic below should give you some idea of what the decibel level of everyday noises are: 

There are several options that are available for earplugs when riding. All of them will work for protecting your hearing, and it comes down to what you want when riding. Below are some types available, and we recommend some of each model so that you can always get the best.

Silicone Earplugs

Are the moldable plug. You get a lump of silicon, which you roll into a ball and mold to the shape of your ears. This type of plug is cheap, fits perfectly into your ear, and should never come out. It will reduce all the sounds.

These do not stick out of your ears, and of all the plugs, these will keep things from going into your ear. They are waterproof.

High Fidelity Earplugs.

These earplugs reduce noise evenly to maintain the full spectrum of sound, while protecting hearing. Won’t muffle music or voices as silicon plugs do.

These earplugs are great, as you should still have good hearing while wearing them.

Motorcycle Ear Plugs.

These are the best type of earplugs for motorcycles, as they have been developed with riding in mind. Work similarly to the fidelity plugs above.

Filter out wind and engine noise, clearly hear approaching traffic, listen to your comms under your helmet, and ride in comfort with ear protection plugs designed for wind and motorcycle noise reduction.

These are what I would always recommend for riding!

Noise Cancelling Earplugs.

These earplugs cancel out the outside sounds by using a microphone and playing the opposite sound waves. One wave cancels out the other, reducing the ambient sounds (Well sort of).

These earplugs provide the worst ear protection of all the plugs here, but allow you to play music or listen to things over the Bluetooth connection or wire.

They are not waterproof and come in 2 varieties, wired and wireless. The wired are much cheaper, but there is a wire that needs to be tucked in your jacket and kept out of the way.

Wireless Bluetooth ear plugs are more convenient as there is no wire, but they can run out of charge.

Scientific Study On Motorcycle Ear Protection

A group of scientists tested over 30 motorcycles to measure the noise produced. Half of these bikes produced noises that were above 100 dB. At these sound levels, you should not have exposure for over 15 minutes. Otherwise, you are risking permanent hearing damage.

“Almost all of the motorcycles tested reached a volume that would require ear protection in the workplace,” one of the researchers stated.

An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) study showed that riding a motorcycle at 40MPH, wearing an open helmet resulted in the rider experiencing sounds of between 75 and 90 dB. This would require ear protection if the exposure was two or more hours.

At approximately 60 MPH, the noise levels rose to between 100 and 115 dB. At those noise levels, the exposure should be limited to no more than 15 minutes without ear protection.

The motorcycle helmet is not designed to stop sound. It protects your head. The average noise reduction by a helmet is usually 3-5dB, which is not much. An inexpensive pair of earplugs can reduce the sound levels by over 30dB. With this, you can ride your bike all day.

earplugs motorcycle

Misconceptions About Hearing Protection Riding A Motorcycle

You cannot Hear Sirens / Horns / Traffic

Hearing protection does not block out all the sounds from the environment. It is, in fact, illegal in most places to drive when you can’t hear emergency services, etc. It would be challenging to block enough noise for this to happen.

The best hearing protection for when you are riding will only reduce the very high sounds (the wind), allowing you to hear the other noises more easily

You Only Need Earplugs For Long Distance.

Even if you travel a short distance, on a loud bike, or moving at speeds, the noise will quickly be loud enough to damage your hearing. Protect your ears from the cold, pressures, and sounds by always wearing your earplugs!

You Do Not Need Earplugs Unless You Are On A Loud Bike.

The primary reason that you need earplugs on a motorbike is because of the noise/pressures caused by the wind. It is rare that the bike makes enough noise to damage your hearing. So you need plugs no matter what size your bike is.

If your bike is loud enough to cause damage to your hearing, it is probably illegal, as it can damage other people’s hearing. These people will not be wearing hearing protection around your motorcycle.

You Do Not Need Earplugs If You Have A Full-Face Helmet.

A full-faced helmet will reduce the pressure differences, and cut down the noise, but this will not be sufficient to completely protect your ears. When riding, you will always need to wear plugs to give your ears the level of protection that they need.

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What To Look For When Buying Motorbike Earplugs

Most people prioritize the safety of their vision over hearing when riding their bikes without realizing how vulnerable their ears could be out there on the road if proper care is not taken.

The sound produced by your helmet when cutting through the air at highway speeds will surely damage your hearing in the long run. Wearing a half helmet or riding open face will only quicken this process.

Earplugs Can Actually Make You Hear Better

It is a misconception that by wearing earplugs you won't be able to hear even the slightest sound. Though it's quite true that it might be difficult to hear someone at a stoplight speaking at you in their car, you most certainly will not go deaf. In fact, earplugs can actually make you hear better.

Also, hearing loss doesn't happen overnight. If you keep riding for years without earplugs, your sense of hearing will decrease gradually. Although you will not go deaf completely, your ears will definitely lose the sharpness they have had before.

Advantages Of Motorcycle Earplugs

  1. Reduces The Wind Noise

Most bikers wear protective gears like helmets, gloves and boots when riding their bikes but overlook ear protection. Even if you wear a helmet, the wind becomes louder when you go faster. Ambient wind noise at highway speeds can be over 100dB. That annoying shrill sound is a distraction and could damage your hearing. Earplugs help minimise the wind noise and protect your hearing when riding.

  1. Wards Off Temporary Deafness

Temporary Threshold Shift (TSS) is a condition that causes temporary hearing loss. Since the wind noise is constant when riding, it could contribute towards TSS. When this happens, it would block out other frequencies posing a risk when you're riding. Wearing earplugs may help you with this.

  1. Picks Up Particular Frequencies

A good pair of earplugs will make you hear better in loud environments. This is because certain frequencies are suppressed compared to others. A fine set of earplugs can enhance sounds you may want to hear while softening harmful ones.

  1. Minimizes Fatigue

Some bikers suffer from noise fatigue when they're riding for quite a long time. This could be tiresome and even painful. Wearing earplugs may help you against this condition.

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General Types Of Earplugs For Bikers: Disposable, Reusable, Corded And Moulded

There are many types of earplugs available for bikers. The disposable ones made of foam are the most common type of earplugs. They are not expensive yet comfortable when worn. Though foam plugs appear to be cheap, be mindful of their quality since it is something that you will insert into your ear canal.

Also, the earplugs will be ineffective if proper insertion doesn't take place, as they would then cannot dampen the sounds evenly.

Reusable earplugs require regular maintenance and cleaning for optimal function, as they can be worn multiple times. With proper care, the earplugs could even last beyond a year. Although they're expensive than the regular disposable earplugs, it is still worth to have them if you're a regular user.

Corded earplugs are convenient for riders as they are hard to misplace unlike the traditional earplugs. These earplugs are easier to remove and can be hung around the neck when not in use.

If you want the exact fit for your ears, it is best to go for custom moulded earplugs. They are quite pricey but totally worth it if you're looking for optimum hearing protection and want to wear them frequently. Moulded earplugs are made to reduce loud sounds significantly while allowing you to hear voices.

What To Look For When Buying A Pair Of Motorcycle Earplugs

Fit is one of the key features to consider when looking to buy a pair of earplugs for bike riding. Although many earplugs come with a free size one-size-fits-all theory, your ear canal could be too wide or too narrow for certain brands to fit.

There is a possibility of earplug getting stuck in your ear canal if it's too small or not staying put if it's too large. Therefore, a good fit is always a crucial factor to consider beforehand.

The next thing to look for is the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) and Single Number Rating (SNR). These ratings give us an idea about the product's potential for noise reduction in terms of decibels (dB). A higher rating means a higher noise suppression.

At times, choosing a comfortable set of earplugs can be a challenge. To avoid the crushing of earplugs by the helmet sides it is better to go for a pair that is low profile and has short stems. The materials used in the making of motorcycle earplugs vary from foam to ceramic.

Foam earplugs are squeezed during insertion, which then expands on its own accord to fill up the canal. Earplugs made with soft silicone are very delicate. Certain ceramic earplugs contain filters that offer accurate sound attenuation better than plastic filters.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Motorcycle Earplugs

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding motorcycle earplugs is whether they're legal. In some states, they're considered illegal. Hence it's best to check your state's laws prior to investing. Another concern is whether the noise cancelling feature in the earplugs will block the sounds of sirens and horns. The answer is no. The best earplugs for motorcycling minimise high-pitched sounds. Therefore, you will hear horns and sirens when riding with earplugs on.

Some of them wonder if earplugs are necessary when wearing a full-face helmet. In reality, the wind can creep in through the gaps of your full-face helmet and make a shrill sound. This calls for high-grade earplugs to protect your ears completely. Even if you're traveling a short distance, it is still a better idea to wear earplugs to protect your ears from the wind and engine noise.

Another pressing question is whether the Bluetooth speakers could be heard when earplugs are worn. The answer is most likely yes. Since earplugs eliminate wind noise, it should probably make it easier for you to hear your headset. This is also supported because the best earplugs for motorcycling can soften some frequencies while enhancing the others.

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10 Tips For Riding A Bike

If you ride a bicycle frequently, as most of us do in the city these days, you may want to invest in some good bike helmets. You are truly taking a risk if you don't as there are plenty of studies that show just how dangerous bike riding can be.

The North Carolina Department of Labor reported that over 50% of all cycling deaths were attributed to head injuries. More than 20% of people will suffer from some kind of traumatic brain injury if they're involved in an accident while riding their bike.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 1800 people die on America's roads each day with 88% being car occupants and 10% being non- car occupants like cyclists or pedestrians.

Save Yourself From Brain Injury!

Cyclists and motorcyclists are more vulnerable to head injuries because of the lack of protection their heads have, especially if they're not wearing a helmet. The CDC reported that wearing a bicycle helmet can reduce the risk of death by up to 88% and serious head injury by nearly 69%.

Keep Your Head Warm!

Your head is covered by a helmet and this is all that keeps it warm. It's more protected from the weather than the rest of your body but without a good ski cap or winter hat, you're in for some serious discomfort out there. The CDC also reports that the wind chill can bring you down to hypothermia levels within ten minutes of being outside without adequate protection for your head.

Stay Safe At Night!

Those evening and night rides don't have to be dangerous if you use proper lights on your bike. Lights can help you stay visible to other drivers, especially in low light conditions like dawn or dusk. At night, you must wear a white light on the front of your bicycle and red lights on the rear.

Check All The Moving Parts!

Safety should be your main concern when it comes to riding your bike. It does not matter if you're better than Lance Armstrong or just picking up the sport. Less experienced cyclists can easily suffer head injuries if they're not careful.

For example, you should always check to see if your bicycle helmet is in good repair and has sweat pads inside so that it fits snuggly to your head. You should also check out all the moving parts like brakes and wheels for loose screws or worn out parts that could hinder safe cycling and put you in harms way.

Be Visible!

Bicycle helmets may be able to reduce the risk of a head injury but they cannot protect your entire body. If you don't want to get decked by a car, then you need to be visible at all times. Wear bright and reflective clothing along with an effective blinking light system for night.

Some cyclists will go so far as to wear neon colors in the day and reflective vests at night while others are happy with wearing bright yellow and white in the day and reflective vests, jackets or arm bands at night. Cycling gear companies have also come out with special fluorescent colors for both day and night that stand out from the crowd.

Know Your Limitations!

Like I said, if you're new to cycling, it's important to know your own limitations. If you are riding at night, make sure that you don't wear dark clothing because that can make it harder for drivers to spot you. Instead of wearing black clothing, try neon colors and reflective cycling gear or vests for enhanced visibility, even during the day.

Another dangerous thing about night riding is having limited visibility. You can easily lose control of your bike in this kind of situation so be very careful when riding at night and always plan routes that have good lighting on them.

Plan For Bad Weather!

Bicycle helmets can protect your head from damage but they won't necessarily protect you from the elements. Even rain on its own can bring you down to hypothermia levels in ten minutes if you're not prepared to stay warm. To help avoid this, wear a waterproof jacket and pants that will keep you dry and insulated during your ride.

Be Smart!

It's also important to equip yourself with the right tools so that you can perform emergency repairs when the road throws obstacles at you. It doesn't have to be expensive gear since tools like duct tape and cable ties will work just fine in a pinch. Invest in a good quality brand of bicycle maintenance products that will make your bike safe and reliable so you can ride your bicycle while being confident that it's strong enough to hold up against the test of time.

Get Emergency Help!

Even if you're wearing all the protective gear you can find, you still might need some help if you have an accident while riding a bicycle or scooter. If that happens, go directly to the nearest hospital or emergency clinic for medical attention as soon as possible.

Hearing Protection

One way to prevent accidents is to wear hearing protection at all times. This can help you hear traffic sounds and avoid an accident when you are riding your bike. Some include ear muffs, ear plugs or even ear attachments that go over your existing hearing aid.

It's best to be safe and use these devices on a regular basis in case of an accident. Being prepared for any type of emergency is always the best way to stay safe and avoid injury while riding.

How To Make The Right Choice For Your Motorcycle Earplugs

Many motorcyclists claim to use earplugs while riding their motorcycles to protect their hearing from the road's noise. Motorcyclists fear that if they ride without earplugs, they will become deaf. However, in many states, wearing earplugs while driving is against the law.

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Noise Comes From The Wind

People often assume that the source of the noise is the sound of the motorcycle or other vehicles. But the noise comes from the wind, and the resulting hearing loss is usually permanent. According to motorcycle accident attorney Ralph Buss of Ohio, when speaking with most serious motorcyclists, they frequently have to turn one ear because they cannot hear from the other ear.

The most common reason for such damage to one's hearing is the surrounding wind's sound around one's head. While some motorcyclists use earplugs to help reduce the noise, they risk having to pay a fine.

Riding your bike and speeding on the road can be a wonderful experience in your favorite place. And then it becomes even more comfortable if you have your biggest hits playing.

But the best way to hear this music is by using earbuds on a motorcycle. Yet it can be risky to drive with headphones or earplugs. Explore the risks and how you could make it less dangerous by using earplugs on a motorcycle.

Why Wearing Earplugs While Driving A Motorcycle Is Dangerous?

Here are a few explanations why it is insecure to listen to music or wear earplugs while riding:

1. Hearing Restrictions

The first and most crucial explanation regarding earplugs is that they restrict your hearing. You won't hear the horns of other vehicles, sirens blaring or ambulances, local collisions, or other vehicle engines in the same manner as if you weren't wearing earplugs.

Even though earplugs can be ideal not only for preventing wind and engine noise, keeping the ears safe from dirt and debris—they limit hearing too much. Mostly if you ride in high-traffic areas, then this can be even more dangerous to do. If you don't hear well—then you're more likely to suffer an accident or cause one.

2. Limited Focus

Comparably, to restrict the ability to hear anything around you, earplugs can lower your concentration or focus. If you're using earplugs during your rides, you may forget you're riding a bike close to other vehicles, making you less aware of your surroundings and becoming a hazard for other drivers. If you aren't well aware of everything happening around you as a motorcycle rider, you may not react well in different situations.

3. Delayed Response

Let's say you don't listen to music, but just stop the wind and the roar of engines. Under that scenario, you might think that you are both aware of what is going on, and nothing concerns you. Well, it doesn't work that way. It is well known because it is better to hear and see things as they arise.

You'll be more reliant on your ears, whether your hearing is impaired or you don't listen well to stuff. And it can override the response time. If something occurs around you, you're likely to respond even slower than you would have without earplugs.

4. Could Be Used Against You

Eventually, you may also be part of a crash, even though you don't use earplugs. As the key factor causing the accident or the person experiencing the accident, a significant downside can occur.

If you were riding with earplugs in, insurance firms, prosecutors, and attorneys could hold that against you. You can be the one with the injury and raise the risk of going to prison in certain situations. In brief, you will be deemed as a reckless rider—which may be horrifying in an accident with your event.

Advice For Wearing Earplugs While Riding A Motorcycle

Now that you know a few of the risks of riding bikes with earplugs, you could learn how to make life better as you do so. Here are a couple of tips to consider:

If You Need Music, Use The Speaker

When using a speaker, you don't have to use plugs, earbuds, or earpieces. Any motorcycle speakers make it easy to play music while riding without any distortions. They may still distort your surroundings, but they don't look like earbuds or headphones. And sure enough, they're safe now.

Don't Turn The Volume Up

If you're using a headset in a position where it's legal, you can lower the volume as soon as you can. It would make it easy for you to respond to other cars and to be mindful of anything around them.

Using Just One Earplug Or Earbud

Keep one of your ears open if you may. This would allow you the opportunity to enjoy music or whatever you listen to with one ear and keeping the other open so that you can hear your surroundings.

Automate The Music Or Content

Whatever you hear – ensure that everything is automatic (create a playlist, set a timer, among other things.) It is not safe to reach back for your phone or device to change the song, book, article, or whatever you want to listen to through your hearing device. It is likely you may lose control of the motorcycle or lose consciousness for a few seconds.

Be Conscious Of The Danger

Finally, make sure you know how unsafe it is to cover your ears while riding a bike. You cannot only injure yourself or anyone; you may even take your life and others simultaneously. 

This sounds simple; however, you will prevent any risks by carefully following all the above by the letter.

earplugs motorcycle

Why Wear Earplugs?

Did you know that wearing earplugs is the best way to regulate your hearing protection while riding a motorcycle? Wearing earplugs will block out specific noise levels, depending on what type of foam or silicone earplug you use.

Generally speaking, if your motorcycle has a loud exhaust pipe, you should wear foam earplugs. If it's an open-air motorcycle with thin pipes, then silicone plugs are more suitable.

Earplugs Are Safer

Earplugs are safer since you can hear traffic and emergency vehicles approaching you from behind without affecting your breathing. You'll also be able to hear sirens, horns, and other noises coming from behind you that could otherwise deafen or distract you.

Earplugs Will Make It Easier For You To Pass Other Cars

Once again, earplugs will allow you to hear approaching traffic and noise coming from behind you. In addition, earplugs will help protect your hearing and potentially save your life when passing vehicles' noise reduces your reaction time or ability for safe passing maneuvers.

Earplugs Are More Comfortable

If you ride a motorcycle, you know that wind noise is never fun. Earplugs will be less distracting and more comfortable.

Earplugs Make It Easier To Hear While Riding

It's very difficult to drown out the sounds of traffic, horns, sirens, and other distractions while riding a motorcycle. Wearing earplugs will help you concentrate on staying safe and alert on the road.

Earplugs Make Wear Less Noticeable

Motorcycles are often equipped with loud pipes that are visible from behind a rider. Wearing earplugs will help reduce your visual profile. In addition, ear plugs can protect you from loud noises that might otherwise cause permanent hearing damage or even death.

Earplugs Help Protect Your Hearing

It's not just protecting your hearing from the noise you hear. Earplugs can also protect it from loud noises that are below the threshold of human hearing, such as explosions and gunshots.

You never know when the next explosion will come, and especially when you're on a motorcycle. Most earplugs have that protective effect built into them for this reason.

Earplugs Help Keep You Focused While Riding A Motorcycle Or Scooter

Riding a motorcycle is very similar to driving in some ways, but also very different. It's important to make sure that you are completely alert so you can control your bike in case of an emergency or accident. Wearing earplugs will keep you focused and alert on the road without disturbing your hearing.

Earplugs Help Keep You Alive

As we mentioned above, earplugs can protect you from loud sounds that are below the threshold of human hearing. While this isn't something to be afraid of, it's very important to understand the potential dangers and risks associated with wearing earplugs.

It is for this reason that motorcycle riders wear earplugs during their ride (or scooter ride) so they can remain as alert as possible. Wearing earplugs will give you the best chance of survival if you're involved in an accident or crash.


As you can see, there are a number of different benefits to wearing earplugs while you ride your motorcycle. These include everything from better hearing and protection from noises that could deafen or distract you to increased safety for yourself and others. It's important to understand the risks of wearing earplugs when riding a motorcycle so that you can be as safe as possible on the road.

Wearing earplugs can be legitimate and unlawful in certain areas when driving a motorbike, as you should know. Yet you have discovered at the same time that it's still risky. So it is up to you to determine whether wearing earplugs while on a bike is worth it or not. It is better to prevent accidents entirely instead of leaving it to chance.

Please Note: Just because an ear defender is marked, for example, "Gunshot" - it will still cover other things, like "explosions"

Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs, 12 Pair – The Original Moldable Silicone Putty Ear Plugs for...
  • THE ORIGINAL AND #1 SELLING - USA’s original and #1 selling moldable silicone ear plugs. Provides safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic waterproof protection and protects hearing from loud noises.
  • THE ULTIMATE IN EARPLUG COMFORT - Mack’s soft moldable silicone putty molds very comfortably to the unique contours of any ear. These multi-use earplugs are great for sleeping, snoring, swimming, studying, bathing, travel, loud events, concerts, flying discomfort, motorcycles, etc. Lab tested and proven to help relieve airplane ear pressure and pain due to flying.
  • #1 BRAND FOR SNORING - Mack’s is the #1 Doctor Recommended Brand to get a good night’s sleep when sleeping with a snoring spouse. Mack’s Earplugs have been saving marriages since 1962.
  • #1 BRAND FOR PREVENTING EAR INFECTIONS - Mack’s is the #1 Doctor Recommended Brand to help prevent swimmer’s ear infections (otitis externa). Safe for use with ear tubes. Provides protection after ear surgeries. Also helps prevent Surfer’s Ear (exostosis). Mack’s are so trusted, they are the Official Earplugs of USA Swimming!
  • #1 BRAND USED BY DOCTORS - Mack’s is the #1 brand of moldable silicone earplugs personally used by doctors. Mack’s original soft silicone putty formula provides a better, more comfortable fit and seal than custom molded ear plugs. These ear plugs are MADE IN THE USA and carry a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 22 decibels (US Standard) and a Single Number Rating (SNR) of 30 decibels (EU Standard).
High Fidelity Concert Earplugs - Ear Protection & Noise Reduction Sleep Earplugs for Musicians,...
  • 【MORE EFFECTIVE HEARING PROTECTION】With our high fidelity earplugs, your ears will be optimally protected,which evenly reduce harmful noise to normal levels and soften the sound source. Your ears will never be tortured again at loud events, Let us enjoy the beauty of life together with YUNDOO noise Cancelling earplugs.
  • 【OUR ADVANTAGE】Our YUNDOO noise reduction earbuds are compared to conventional noise reduction earplugs,noise reduction level is increased from the regular 16 decibels to a higher 25 decibels.Different from foam earplugs, it does not completely eliminate the sound.which means you can effectively protect your hearing without missing the acoustic experience.
  • 【DESIGNED FOR COMFORT】High-fidelity earplugs are medical grade TPE material, extremely soft structure, good breathability, safe and close to the skin, won’t cause itching or pressure pain,very comfortable to wear.you will forget that you are wearing it.
  • 【EASY TO CARRY AND EASY TO CLEAN】High fidelity earbuds with a portable metal case for small size, you can carry the earplugs to anywhere.different from disposable foam earplugs,These silicone earplugs can be reused after washing in tap water.durable and can be used for one year if taking good care(however please remove the inside plastic attenuation filter before submerging the plug in water)
  • 【SERVICE GUARANTEE】 - Our high fidelity earplugs has a 30-day dissatisfaction guarantee. If you have any questions about our high fidelity earplugs, please feel free to contact our customer service team! (For more offers, please contact our customer service team.)
EarPeace Motorcycle Ear Plugs – Reusable High Fidelity Moto Ear Plugs for Riding, Hearing...
  • Perfect Fit: Select Standard or Small Size Plugs depending on your ear canal size. Standard Size Plugs fit 80% of men, women and teens. Please select Small Size Plugs if you’ve had previous issues keeping ear plugs or ear buds in your ear, or if you’ve had previous discomfort with these products.
  • Situational Awareness: Clearly hear approaching traffic with these earplugs for motorcycle riding, listen to your comms under your helmet, and ride in comfort. Medium, High and Max filters provide in-ear protection for wind and motorcycle noise reduction
  • All Day Comfort: These premium silicone earplugs for motorcycles are soft, hypoallergenic and offer loud noise ear protection. Motorcycle helmets fit over the top without irritation allowing you to ride in comfort, safely, without the pressure or itching felt with other reusable ear plugs.
  • Quality and Value: EarPeace motorcycle ear plugs include Medium, High and Max filter sets. The hearing protection ear plugs also come with a milled aluminum case that has two chambers allowing you to safely store your spare noise cancelling ear plug.
  • Industry Leaders: Brands like RedBull Global Rally Cross and Ford Racing carry EarPeace as their motorcycle ear protection because they know we make the highest quality ear plugs. EarPeace's noise reduction and motorcycle ear protection make riders’ ears happy ears!
Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs for Concerts Musicians Motorcycles Noise Sensitivity Conditions and...
  • FIRST CLASS HEARING PROTECTION - Our High Fidelity Earplugs protect your ears from harmful noise levels while still allowing you to clearly hear your surroundings. Get up to 21 dB of noise reduction (NRR 16 dB) so that you can do more of what you love while minimizing the risk of noise induced hearing loss, tinnitus, and anxiety.
  • PRISTINE SOUND QUALITY - Our innovative attenuation filters allow you to hear the world around you, just at a lower volume. Reduces noise evenly to maintain the full spectrum of sound while protecting hearing. Great for toning down noise levels in loud environments to reduce anxiety and for safely listening to live music with clarity.
  • USE EARGASM ANYWHERE - Fantastic ear plugs for concerts, noise sensitivity, tinnitus relief, motorcycles, musicians, drummers, noise cancelling, noise reduction, sporting events, sleeping and so many other uses!
  • PERFECT FIT GUARANTEE - Two pairs of different sized earplug shells made from hypoallergenic silicone are included with every unit. Fits most normal to large ear sizes. Individuals with smaller ear canals may want to consider our Smaller Ears Earplugs model. Contact Eargasm support with any fit issues and we’ll be sure to make things right!
  • WATERPROOF ALUMINUM CASE - Never be without your earplugs again by using the included sturdy metal case with a waterproof rubber seal. Our compact case allows for safe and easy storage on your keychain, carabiner, backpack, or in your pocket.

Last update on 2023-11-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Related Questions


How Loud Can A Motorcycle Be?

This depends on the country and state that you are in, but as a general guideline, your motorcycle can be up to approximately 80 decibels.

Your ears can handle this volume with no damage. However, sounds over 80 dB will damage your hearing. Remember that most of the noise on a motorcycle comes from the wind. So you will need hearing protection with motorcycle earbuds even if your bike is reasonably quiet

An Idea of the wind noise at certain speeds is detailed in the main article, and you can find the laws for your state at this link Motorcycle Noise Limits

How Many Decibels Is A Motorcycle

This will depend on the manufacturer, age, maintenance, and modifications of the motorcycle. But as a general guideline, motorcycles with particular engine sizes have the following decibel range:

50cc-100cc 65-85db
750cc+ 75-95db


Is It Illegal To Drive With Motorcycle Earbuds?

It depends on the state. However, it is allowed in most states, especially if they protect your hearing, and will enable you to hear the things you need to hear. For example.

The state of California says earplugs are allowed if:

“A person wearing personal hearing protectors in the form of earplugs or molds that are specifically designed to attenuate injurious noise levels. The plugs or molds shall be designed in a manner so as to not inhibit the wearer’s ability to hear a siren or horn from an emergency vehicle or a horn from another motor vehicle.“

How Long Can You Be Exposed To Loud Noises?

The following table gives a list of the sound levels and how long you can be exposed to them before some hearing damage can occur.

82 dB16 hours
85 dB8 hours
88 dB4 hours
91 dB2 hours
94 dB1 hour
97 dB30 minutes
100 dB15 minutes
103 dB8 minutes
106 dB4 minutes
109 dB2 minutes
112 dB1 minute
115 dB 30 seconds


If you require more information, please check these references

Motorcycles Hazardous To Your Hearing , article, “www.hear-it.org”, retrieved on, Mon 02-September-2019 

How Loud Can A Motorcycle Get , article, “www.quora.com”, retrieved on, Mon 02-September-2019 

Fortnine Motorcycle Ear Plugs Battle Of The Best , article,“www.reddit.com”, retrieved on, Mon 02-September-2019

 Motorcyclists View Of Ear Protectors

Today I’ll talk about how I protect my hearing while I’m on the road. So in research in this article for you guys, I did some research on hearing protection with OSHA standards. You should always wear ear plugs for motorcycle riding

OSHA set standards for on-the-job kind of stuff, and the OSHA standard says 85 to 90 decibels should not be exceeded for more than an eight-hour period. If you jump that up to a hundred decibels they limit you to two hours of exposure. If you go from a 100 decibels up to 115, and OSHA limit your exposure to that for 15 minutes.

So what do you think the average decibel rating riding a motorcycle down the highway would be? 103 decibels! So somewhere between that 15 minutes and 2 – that OSHA limits workers at these volumes too!

We’re exposing ourselves to 103 decibels, and I’ve been on a bike the entire day sometimes, going on a longer trip.

So what can you do to protect your hearing, now that we know? There’s a need to do so because of the decibel ratings were exposed to on a motorcycle. So 30 minutes of riding with your hearing unprotected, is going to result in permanent hearing damage to your ears. You need your motorcycle earbuds or  motorcycle earplugs

That’s permanent damage! it’s something that you won’t ever get back, and it doesn’t matter what type of windshields you’ve got, or what kind of helmet you wear. It’s the wind noise that gets to you in these situations. Thirty minutes is going to result in permanent hearing loss that can never be recovered.

To make matters worse it compounds, so if I went for an hour ride today, and let’s say I lost 0.5% of my hearing. I do the same thing tomorrow, I lose another 0.5 percent on top of what I lost the day before. So it compounds, and it continues to accumulate the more you ride with your ears unprotected

Motorcycle exhaustSo what you can do to protect your hearing is to wear earplugs. You ideally want best earplugs for motorcycle riding, but if this is not possible, any form of ear protection should help a lot.

I’ve been riding with earplugs for a lot of years. When I got back into riding it wasn’t something I knew anything about. I found an article about it, and I started riding with earplugs, and now I don’t like to ride any other way.

In fact, if I leave the garage and start the bike up, and I’ve already got my helmet on, and realize I didn’t put in my earplugs, the first thing I do is shut the bike down and get them. Not because I just want to protect my hearing, but it’s so much more comfortable to ride with earplugs now, as I’ve gotten used to it, than it is without.

So when I first started using earplugs, I went with those foam ones, that you can find just about everywhere. You know the kind that you roll up, and you get real thin. You insert it into the ear canal and then it expands back out to block the sound coming into your ear. That’s the kind that I started with.

They’re all over the place, they work really well, they block a lot of sound, in fact, they block the most sound of any of the three I’m going to tell you about.

That can be a good thing or a bad thing, because you still want to be able to hear your motorcycle, hear some road noise around you. You need to listen to what’s going on around you so that you can continue to use your ears to be alert on the road.

One of the problems I found in using the disposable type, was I could only get two maybe three uses out of it. Then it didn’t want to roll up as easy, the foam would expand quickly once you rolled it up. So it made it hard to get in your ears. After two or three uses so I found myself throwing a pair away.

So I was continually carrying new ones on my motorcycle in the saddlebags. Then having to remind myself to put a few more in there whenever I would go out for a ride. It became a pain trying to keep up with keeping new ones with me all the time.

So the next thing I went with were some of the custom-molded earplugs these come in a case. I’m not sure what kind of material it’s made from, some kind of plastic molded. What they do is they inject this into your ear canal, you sit there for 15 minutes while it sets

Then they pull it out, and they trim it up. You’ve then got custom-molded earplugs that are fit your ear canal perfectly. They’re really easy to insert, and they work well.

They don’t, I would say, they block as much sound as the foam earplugs do, and they’re expensive. The earplugs, the foam ones you can get at the store for a buck. The custom ones, at the motorcycle show are 60 to 100 bucks, so they’re expensive.

You can also get these made at a lot of gun shows, and some sporting goods stores, will have the ability to get these made as well.

These last for years, I have ridden with mine on an, I’d say on a daily basis, almost over the last eight years. They’re still in excellent shape and work fine.

The downside is they’re going to let a little more sound in, than I’m comfortable with, but they fit well and like I said they last almost forever.

I was in Colorado, and I stopped to look at a river on a dirt road. I pulled these earplugs out and set them on the back seat, rode off forgot about them. When I got about a quarter mile down the road, I realized that I had left the plugs sitting on the back seat!

I rode back, and found them sitting on a dirt road, in the middle of nowhere out in Colorado. It wasn’t the money, I didn’t want to face riding any length of time without these earplugs.

So once you get used to them, they’re a lifesaver, and you won’t want to ride any other way.

So my next venture into earplugs was something I purchased for this article, I’ve been seeing these on Amazon and heard about them. I thought I would check these out and order a pair for this post.

They come in this really cool looking case. The earplug looks like it’s the silicone rubber type that’s got the little ridges on it. It’s got a little thing at the end to help you get the earplug out. It’s also got a little plastic piece in there to allow some ambient noise through.

Riding with these earplugs, most of the wind noise was stopped, in fact I would say better than than the custom-molded plugs. These blocked out more wind noise, but I could still hear traffic around me. I could still hear the motorcycle a whole lot better.

If I use a set of Bluetooth headphones, I could hear the music and the radio much better with these plugs.

If I listen to music sometimes, when I am riding, does it block all that sound out? Wearing earplugs is going to allow you to hear those kinds of things better, because you’re not competing against the wind noise.

So you’ve got the headphone against your ear, you’re still going to be able to hear well, but it’s going to block out all that harmful wind noise.

These plugs are the EarPeace Motorcycle Earplugs, and are best motorcycle earplugs I have used.  If possible we should all be looking for the best motorcycle hearing protection, but the best may vary slightly from person to person.

These are the best combination of the two. They block more sound than the custom earplugs, and yet allow me to hear some of the road noise and traffic around me. I can also listen to the Bluetooth better. But they block out a whole lot more of the wind noise.

These are washable, you can wash them in just warm soapy water, and are reusable. You get can three different sizes there’s a large medium or small. Mine came with a large setup and that seemed to fit me well. But you also have a medium or small

So if you’re in a position where you’re riding, for any length of time at speed, I want to encourage you to get something to protect your ears

Even if it’s a quick trip to Walmart to get some of those foam earplugs, they’re going to work much better than nothing at all. Exposure to the wind at those speeds is going to cause permanent hearing loss. You won’t notice it at the end of a ride, but the cumulative effect take its toll over time.

That’s why you see some of the old bikers that get off their bike, and you say something to them, and they don’t hear a word that you’re saying. It’s because of years of riding, they have lost hearing permanently, due to wind exposure.

Your wind exposure in a full-face helmet is going to be the same, or like not wearing a helmet at all. We’re exposing ourselves to a lot of wind, and you need something like motorcycle earplugs to protect your hearing.

So, what are the best motorcycle ear plugs? EarPeace Motorcycle Ear Plugs are the best that I found so far, and it is what I’ll be riding with from now on. But find something that works well for you and protect your hearing.


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Nick Le Page

Experience : Hi, I am Nick, and I have suffered with ear problems my whole life, mainly tinnitus. I have tried a lot of products to help protect my ears over this period, and several devices to block out the constant ringing

“Are you having problems hearing? If so, those around you already know it. Hearing loss is no laughing matter, so don’t be a punchline.”

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